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RS485 请教RS485组网的问题!

2006-09-17 18:14:16     打赏
RS485 请教RS485组网的问题!

关键词: RS485     请教     组网     问题    

2006-12-22 22:43:00     打赏
问 用RS485组网时,每一个结点,即每个从设备的485接口处,需要接120的适配电阻吗?还是只要在电缆的终端接?我的的485接口用的是MAX485芯片 1: 不需要只在终端接即可。如果只是单向传输,则离在发送器最远的一个接点接上即可。

所谓的电缆终端,不是指每根电缆。 2: 不接120的适配电阻有什么坏的影响??? 3: 具体可到我的BLOG里查阅一篇文章

Termination is used to match impedance of a node to the impedance of the transmission line being used. When impedance are mismatched, the transmitted signal is not completely absorbed by the load and a portion is reflected back into the transmission line. If the source, transmission line and load impedance are equal these reflections are eliminated. There are disadvantages of termination as well. Termination increases load on the drivers, increases installation complexity, changes biasing requirements and makes system modification more difficult.



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